Hi all,
As VP external it is my mission to get the students of Queens' to explore beyond the four walls of college and see some of the exciting things which go on in the rest of the university.
In particular I am talking about the exciting world of CUSU, the mothership of all college JCRs and MCRs. It is a place where student policy at a university level is decided, and is attended by a mixture of CUSU representatives and JCR/MCR reps. As such it is very exciting.
It is the responsibility of the VP External and the President to represent the interests of Queens' at these meetings.
As some of you may know I send out a regular email detailing what happens at CUSU meetings and beyond, so as to keep everyone in Queens' in the loop, and to ensure that the President and I remain accountable for the decisions we take on your behalf.
I call them my 'low-downs' of what is going on.
This blog will hopefully make my 'low-downs' accessible to a circle wider than those on my list (which you are still free to subscribe to by emailing me here -> jcr-vp-external@queens.cam.ac.uk)
Thanks for reading
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