Sunday, 3 February 2013

CUSU Lent 1

CUSU Lent 1

or 'The time I left CUSU half-way through'

The clue is in the title. I admit it. I have failed you all. If only I wasn't so sure that no-one is actually that bothered, I would resign immediately.

I am ashamed to admit it (hence this blog post being about a week too late), but I actually left a CUSU meeting early.

It is shocking I know. But I was desperate - I had to get to law drinks before the free bar tab ran out. And so I ran out... of CUSU.

That said, the most important motions were also the first two which were debated. That is, if debate is used in a loose sense of the word - both motions were pretty much rubber stamped with no opposition.

So here it goes:

1) Rights for Dairy Cows, how aMOOsing
2) Anti-fascist protest

1) Rights for Dairy Cows

The proposal was to call for an EU Directive setting welfare standards for Dairy cows. I was surprised it passed so easily, but it did, so I guess that is good

2) Anti-fascist protest

Again, I thought that this would face more opposition, considering Charlie Bell's article in The Tab. But it did, which I guess is also good because most of you who contacted me about it were in favour of the counter protest. I'd personally love to go to the counter protest, but I am in Edinburgh that weekend.

On that note, I scampered out of the hall as fast as I could, with free cocktails (kindly sponsored by Allen & Overy) calling me. So I don't really know what happened after that....

Over and out,


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